Friday, August 31, 2012

the complete list of Alchemy Classic combinations

heres a list of all the combinations for the Alchemy Classic App i decided to put this together seeing as there isnt a complete list out there at the present time there are 442 elements in the game i think they are all here if ive missed any i apologise enjoy
Rank 1
STONE = earth + fire
ALCOHOL = fire + water
FOG = air + water
LIGHTNING = air + fire
SWAMP = earth + water
VOLCANO = earth + 2x fire
WIND = 2x air
Rank 2
SAND = stone + air
STEAM = fog + fire
AMMINO ACIDS = lightning + swamp
METALS = stone + fire
NO2 = lightning + 2x air
CLOUDS = fog + air
HYDROTHERMAL VEIN = volcano + earth + water
SEDIMENTRY ROCK = earth + stone
METALS = stone + fire
SALTWATER = stone + water
RUST = metals + water
Rank 3
CLAY = sand + swamp
ELECTRICITY = metals + lightning
HYDROGEN = NO2 + water
MAGNET = metals + stone
SALT = saltwater + air
HNO2 = hydrogen + NO2
HNO3 = water + NO2
COLD = clouds + 2x wind
RAIN = clouds + water
ALUMINIUM = metals + 3x fire
CHROMIUM = metals + 6x fire
COPPER = metals + 4x fire
LEAD = metals + fire
IRON = metals + 5x fire
ZINC = metals + 2x fire
SODIUM = electricity + fire + salt
TUNGSTEN = metals + 7x fire
SILVER = metals + sedimentry rock
GOLD = metals + sedimentry rock
GLASS = sand + fire
MINERALS = hydrothermal vein + earth
BACTERIA = ammino acids + swamp
Rank 4
CHLORINE = electricity + fire + salt
ICE = cold + water
OXYGEN = electricity + water
NITRIC ACID = HNO3 + water
SNOW = cold + rain
THUNDERSTORM = rain + lightning
BRASS = zinc + copper
STEEL = chromium + iron
BRONZE = copper + lead
BRICK = clay + fire
SULPHUR = minerals + earth
CINNABAR = minerals + earth
ALGAE = bacteria + water
MINERAL WATER = minerals + water
COMPASS = glass + magnet + metals
CuZn BATTERY = copper + zinc
SANDGLASS = sand + glass
LIGHTBULB = glass _ tungsten
MUTATING BACTERIA = bacteria + alcohol
VIRUSES = bacteria + earth
Rank 5
SODIUM HYDROXIDE = sodium + water
SULFUR DIOXIDE = sulfur + oxygen
LIQUID OXYGEN = oxygen + water
CHEMICAL RUBBISH = CuZn battery + fire
HCI = hydrogen + chlorine
LEAD OXIDE = lead + oxygen
ACID RAIN = clouds + nitric acid
MERCURY = cinnabar + fire
MOSS = algae + earth
GLOWING LIGHTBULB = lightbulb + electricity
FUNGI = algae + swamp
CELLS = 2x bacteria
Rank 6
SULFUR TRIOXIDE = sulfur dioxide + oxygen
SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION = sodium hydroxide + water
HCI ACID = HCI + water
AMALGAM = mercury + silver
FERTILIZER = nitric acid + sodium hydroxide
CRYSTAL GLASS = fire + sand + lead oxide
SAND ON GLASS DRAWING = sand + glowing lightbulb + glass
FERN = moss + swamp
GRASS = moss + earth
DEWER FLASK = liquid oxygen + aluminium
THERMOMETER = glass + mercury
PLANKTON = cells + water
Rank 7
SULFURIC ACID = sulfur trioxide + water
PEAT = grass + swamp
VEGETABLE WASTE = metals + fern
BAMBOO = grass + earth
FLOWER = fern + grass
MUTATING PLANT = mutating bacteria + fern
PALMS = fern + sand
SHRUB = fern + earth
REED = grass + water
MIRROR = glass + amalgam
THERMOS = metals + dewer flask
ANTHROPODS = plankton + earth
SHRIMP = anthropods + water
FISH = plankton + algae
STARFISH = plankton + sand
MOLLUSCS = plankton + swamp
POISONED ANIMALS = chemical rubbish + any animal
CORALS = plankton + stone
Rank 8
METHANE = vegetable waste + earth
TROPICS = rain + palms
COAL = earth + peat
COMPOST = 2x vegetable waste
WOOD = bamboo + steel
CACTUS = flowers  + sand
HEDGE = 3x shrubs
ORCHIDS = flowers + fungi
TREES = flowers + earth
HEVEA = trees + tropics
VEGETABLE OIL = vegetables waste + stone
AQUARIUM = fish + glass
SEARCHLIGHT = glowing lightbulb + mirror
AMPHIBIANS = fish + swamp
BEETLES = anthropods + air
CEPHALOPODS = molluscs + water
DRUNK ANIMAL = alcohol + any animal
EEL = fish + electricity
FLYING FISH = fish + air
JELLYFISH = plankton + water
INFECTED ANIMAL = viruses + any animal
MUSSELS = molluscs + sand
MILLIPEDES = anthropods + earth
SLUGS = molluscs + swamp
SNAILS = molluscs + earth
SPIDERS = anthropods + stone
TRILOBITES = anthropods + sand
CRABS = shrimp + sand
UNDEFINED DEAD LIFEFORM = infected animal (or extremely infectious alien) + fire
Rank 9
CARBON = wood + fire
CHLOROFORM = chlorine + methane
ASH = wood = 2x fire
WORMY COMPOST = worms + compost
CELLULOSE = wood + sufuric acid + water
WOOD FRAGMENTS = trees + lightning
CAOUTCHOUC = tools + hevea
FOREST = 2x trees
LIANA = trees + grass
INDIGOFERA = shrub + tropics
TERRARIUM (A) = glass  + amphibians
TOOLS = wood + metals
NEEDLE = tools + cactus
STOVE = coal + stone = fire
AMMONITES = cephalopods + sand
FROGS = amphibians + swamp
INSECTS = beetles + air
REPTILES = amphibians + sand
OCTOPUS = cephalopods + water
SCORPIONS = spiders + sand
SALAMANDERS = amphibians + earth
WORMS = slugs + earth
ANIMAL FOSSIL = undefined dead lifeform + earth
ALIEN = amphibian + mutating bacteria
BOAT = wood + water
Rank 10
CO2 = ash + nitric acid
LIMESTONE = earth + ammonites
HELIUM = natural gas + gas refinery
POTASSIUM NITRATE = ash + nitric acid
HYDROCARBON = hydrogen + carbon
HUMUS = wormy compost + earth
CAST IRON = iron + carbon
DIAMOND = stone + carbon
INDIGO = tools + indigofera
RUBBER = volcano + caoutchouc
DYING FOREST = forest + beetles
CONIFERS = needles + trees
STONE AXE = liana + wood fragments + stone
NEEDLES = cactus + tools
ZnC BATTERY = carbon + zinc
TERRARIUM (R) = glass + reptiles
EXHIBIT = animal fossil + glass
ANVIL = steel + tools
SANDWORMS = worms + sand
WOODWORMS = worms + wood
FLIES = insects + fungi
DINOSAUR = reptiles + sand
BEE = insects + flowers
CROCODILES = reptiles + water
DRAGONFLIES = insects + water
LIZARDS = reptiles + earth
MAMMALS = reptiles + ice
SNAKES = reptiles + swamp
TOADS = frogs + earth
ANTS = insects + earth
STICK INSECT = insects + trees
HOVERCRAFT = boat + air
ROBOT = alien + any battery + metals
INCOMPLETE MECHANISM = metals + wood + tools
ORANGARY = incomplete building + flowers + glass
Rank 11
GUNPOWDER = carbon +potassium nitrate + sulfur
SODA = CO2 + sodium hydroxide
DRY ICE = CO2 + cold
OIL FIELD = earth + hydrocarbon
GAS FIELD = earth + hydrocarbon
BEE HIVE = 2x bees
KITE = snakes + air
CONES = tools + conifers
NEW YEARS BAUBLE = glass + conifers
TUBE = bamboo + stone axe
UNHYDRATED LIME = limestone + fire
CANINES = animal fossil + tools
BONES = animal fossil + tools
EBONIT = sulfur + caoutchouc
RESIN = tools + conifers
PAINT = indigo + water
CEREALS = humus + grass
FRUIT TREES = humus + trees
LETTUCE = humus + fern
LINT = humus + flowers
COTTON = humus + flowers
SUGAR CANE = humus + bamboo
FLYING DINOSAUR = dinosaur + air
PLESIOSAUR = dinosaur + water
BATS = mammals + air
WATERMAMMALS = mammals = water
HONEY BEE = bees + flowers
MOSQUITO = flies = swamp
PLATYPUS = mammals + reptiles
RODENTS = mammals + earth
TERMITES = ants + wood
BUTTERFLY = flies + flowers
ACTIVE ROBOT = robot + alien
STEAM ENGINE = incomplete mechanism + steam
MUSEUM = incomplete building + exhibit
FORGE = incomplete building + anvil + stove
Rank 12
SMOKING PIPE = fire + tube
PRESSURE = steam + steam engine
NEW YEARS TREE = new years bauble + conifers
FIBER = lint + tools
COTTON WOOL = cotton + tools
WAX = bee hive + tools
HYDRATED LIME = unhydrated lime + water
AMBER = resin + water
STRAW = cereals + metals
RICE = cereals + water
HONEY = honey bees + flowers
GRAINS = cereals + metals
FRUITS = fruit trees + humus
SUGAR = sugar cane + metals
NUTS = cones + tools
CONTAINER = metals + active robot
ATOMIC BATTERY = radioactivity + active robot + any battery
TUBING = 2x tube
SPYGLASS = tube + glass
JEANS = indigo + cotton
FLUTE = ebonit + tools
HOSE = tube + rubber
SAW = canines + tools
COINS = gold + forge
BEAVERS = rodents + wood
BIRDS = flying dinosaur + air
HARES = rodents + grass
DOLPHIN = watermammals + water
MARMOTS = rodents + stone
MICE = rodents + earth
RABBITS = rodents + fern
RATS = rodents + chemical rubbish
SQUIRREL = rodents + trees
HAMSTER = rodents + cereals
WHALE = watermammals + 2x water
TORTOISE = reptiles + lettuce
SHARK = fish + canines
CATERPILLAR = 2x butterflies
COCOON = caterpillar + flowers
STEAMBOAT = steam engine + boat
UFO = active robot + glass + metals + air
FREEZER = active robot + ice + metals
INCOMPLETE BOILER = active robot + metals + 2x water
STEAM TURBINE = active robot + steam + metals
WATER TURBINE = active robot + metals + 2x water
WIND TURBINE = active robot + wind + metals
WHEEL = incomplete mechanism + wood
DRILLING RIG = earth + metals + active robot
 Rank 13
RADIOACTIVITY = active robot + alien
BOREHOLE = driling rig + earth
CHEMICAL WASTE = chemical rubbish + container
SUGAR WATER = sugar + water
TOBACCO = grass + smoking pipe
HOOKAH = water + smoking pipe
FRESCO = hydrated lime + paint
SOUND = flute + air
YARN  = 2x fibers
CEMENT = clay + hydrated lime
DOWN = birds + tools
SILK = cocoon + tools
BANANA = fruits + grass
FLOUR = grains + 2x stone
COTTON CANDY = cotton wool + sugar
COCONUT = palms + nuts
JUICE = fruits + stone
OXYGEN CONTAINER = oxygen + container
WATER PIPELINE = water + tubing
ROPE = fiber + liana
TORCH = straw + resin
SAFE = coins + container
ABACUS = coins + wood + bones
BEAR = mammals + honey
HUMMINGBIRD = bird + flowers
WATERBIRD = birds + water
WOODPECKER = birds + wood
CHICKEN = birds + grains
HAMMERHAED SHARK = shark + tools
ELEPHANT = hose + mammals
FROZEN ALIEN = alien + freezer
ORNITHOPTER = incomplete mechanism + birds
CART = wheel + wood
ELECTRIC BOILER = incomplete boiler + any battery
LOOM = fibers + tools + wood
PUMP = incomplete mechanism + pressure
WATER WHEEL = wheel + water
POTTERS WHEEL = wheel + clay
GEAR = incomplete mechanis + wheel
WATCH TOWER = tower + spyglass
WINDMILL = incomplete building + wheel
Rank 14
URANIUM = radioactivity + metals
PLUTONIUM = 2x radioactivity + metals
NATURAL GAS = gas field + borehole
COCONUT SHELL = coconut + stone
TEXTILES = loom + yarn
CERAMICS = potters wheel + fire
EGGS = chickens + grains
WINE = juice + fungi
SCUBA = water + oxygen container
WIRE = rope + copper
BICKFORD FUSE = gunpowder + rope
PILLOW = textile + down
DUCK = waterbirds + water
PENGUIN = waterbirds + ice
POLAR BEAR = bear + ice
SEAGULL = waterbirds + air
MONKEY = mammals + bananas
SWAMP CHICKEN = chicken + swamp
CHICKS = chicken + eggs
MAMMOTH = elephant + cold
PANDA = bear + bamboo
SUBMARINE = boat + oxygen container
LOCOMOBILE = cart + steam engine
NORIA = water wheel + grains
JACK PUMP = pump + oil field
MECHANICAL CLOCK = gear + sandglass
INCOMPLETE FACTORY = electric boiler + wood + brick
BAKERY = flour + stove + incomplete buiding
BANK = incomplete building + safe
Rank 15
OIL = borehole + jack pump
VINEGAR = wine + bacteria
HORN = animal fossil + wine
GARLAND = 2x glowing lightbulb + wire
ACTIVATED CARBON = coconut shell + fire
PAPER = cellulose + paper factory
BREAD = flour + egg + fire + water
COCONUT MILK = coconut shell + water
SAIL = wind + textile
CRYOGENIC SCUBA = scuba + dewer flask
WICK = rope + vegetable oil
ROPE LADDER = rope + wood
FIREWORKS = gunpowder + bickford fuse
GAS PIPELINE = natural gas + tubing
ATOM BOMB = active robot + plutonium + metals
NUCLEAR BOILER = uranium + incomplete boiler
ELECTRONIC CLOCK = mechanical clock + ZnC battery
ASSEMBLY LINE = noria + metals
PAPER FACTORY = cellulose + incomplete factory
TEXTILE FACTORY = loom + incomplete factory
GRANARY = incomplete factory + grains
FOOD FACTORY = incomplete factory + bakery
GRAIN ELEVATOR = granary + noria
CLOCK TOWER = tower + mechanical clock
Rank 16
NOTE = sound + paper
NEW YEARS TREE/GARLAND = garland + conifers
CANDY = food factory + sugar
CLOTHES = textile + textile factory
MAP = compass + paper
OIL PIPELINE = oil + tubing
CANDLE = wick + wax
WOOD LADDER = rope ladder + wood
SILK CLOTHES = silk + textile factory
GAS MASK = rubber + activated carbon
SAIL BOAT = sail + boat
SAIL PLANE = ornithopter + air
POWERSAW BENCH = assembly line + saw
NUCLEAR POWERSTATION = nuclear boiler + steam turbine
GAS REFINERY = incomplete factory + gas pipeline
AUTOMATED FACTORY = incomplete factory + assembly line
ATOMIC SUBMARINE = nuclear boiler + submarine
Rank 17
NUCLEAR WASTE = nuclear powerstation + container
STAR = hydrogen + helium
MELODY = 2x note
HOLIDAY STOCKING = new years tree + clothes
TOY BALOON = helium + rubber
ANCIENT FOOTWEAR = clothes + wood fragments
CANDELABRAS = candle + silver
BALOON = textile + helium
TOWER = incomplete building + wooden ladder
OIL REFINERY = incomplete factory + oil pipeline
LUMBERMILL = incomplete building + powersaw bench
Rank 18
SPACE = 3x stars
SUN = star + earth
POLLUTED EARTH = nuclear waste +earth
HOLIDAY STOCKING/ASH = holiday stocking + ash
HOLIDAY STOCKING/GIFTS = holiday stocking + candy
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT = melody + tools
PALM LEAF SANDALS = palms + ancient footwear
ANCIENT SKATES = ancient footwear + bones
SKIS = ancient footwear + snow
ASTROLABE = mechanical clock + star
TELESCOPE = spyglass + star
STAR CHART = star + map
NIGHTINGALE = birds + melody
LIGHTHOUSE = tower + searchlight
Rank 19
SUNFLOWER = flower + sun
PLANISPHERE = astrolabe + star chart
SOLAR PANEL = sun + any battery
CLOVEN HOOVED ANIMALS = mammals + ancient footwear
INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE = steam engine + benzine
PLANETARIUM = incomplete building + star chart
OBSERVATORY = incomplete building + telescope
Rank 20
SUNFLOWER SEEDS = sunflower + tools
RUMINANTS = cloven hooved animals + grass
AIRPLANE = sailplane + internal combustion engine
AIRSHIP = baloon + internal combustion engine
JET ENGINE = internal combustion engine + fireworks
CHAINSAW = internal combustion engine + saw
MACHINE FACTORY = automated factory + internal combustion engine
SOLAR POWERPLANT = 3x solar panel
Rank 21
SUNFLOWER OIL = sunflower seeds + food factory
DEERS = clovenhooved animals + horn
JET AIRPLANE = jet engine + airplane
CAR = metals + rubber + machine factory
Rank 22
GIRAFFE = ruminants + trees
REINDEER = deer + cold
Rank 23
HOLIDAY REINDEER = reindeer + sledge